Home for the Holidays

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  • Out of office

    It’s been quite a year, and it’s time for a rare break in our/my calendar! So, whether we’re currently working together to plan the best party of 2022 or you’re recently engaged and interested in learning more about me/us, just know there will be a bit of a delay on my/our replies as I/we recharge and rest between DATE and DATE.

    Wishing you and yours the loveliest of holidays and excited to chat when I/we are back in the office!



  • Shop small and local

    One of the first lessons I learned as a business owner was to never take anything for granted. To be thankful for the moments when things click and are easy. To appreciate the growth that comes with challenge. To celebrate every win—no matter how small. So, this month, I want to encourage you to spread a unique version of holiday cheer—the kind that every small business owner loves.

    If you’re still on the hunt for some great last-minute gifts, here are some of my favorite places to shop small. And say hello for me if you pop in!

    Your first favorite small or local shop and what gift the reader will find there

    Your second favorite small or local shop and what gift the reader will find there

    Your third favorite small or local shop and what gift the reader will find there

  • Engagement parties during the holidays

    There are lots of reasons to host a party during the holidays, but one of the extra fun ones is to celebrate an engagement! So, if you’ve recently said YES or are excited for someone who has, here are some tips to help you quickly plan a party in the midst of the holidays.

    Write about your first tip

    Write about your second tip

    Write about your third tip

    If you need help with DETAIL, be sure to HOW TO CONTACT YOU. After that, you just need to put the champagne on ice and get ready for a great time!

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