2021 in Review
The life of a business owner has been an interesting one over the past 2 years. And, while we were hopeful for things to feel a lot more “normal” after a year of it being anything but, we’re kind of glad it wasn’t. Because you grow in the grey—and we certainly have this year! So, as we look forward to another year that is another shade of grey, here are some of the things we celebrated and were challenged by in 2021.
And this isn’t even all the #babiesatsourcedco!
Celebrated Sourced Co’s 3rd Business Birthday / It’s hard to believe that 3 years have gone by since we hit launch on this business, but they have! And with most of our business taking place in the time of COVID, we’re incredibly thankful to be celebrating another.
Released 12 New Collections / One of the things we learned in 2020 that spilled into 2021 was to keep things simple on the photoshoot front. Because, if planned “correctly,” we didn’t have to worry about whether or not it could happen. Thankfully, the POP Studio has become our home away from home and we have access to great outdoor spaces here in San Diego.
Made Some Serious Business Decisions / We’ve yet to meet a business that hasn’t had to make a tough decision or two, and this was our year to re-evaluate a few things. Because, when we started Sourced Co., we were 4 kid-less women who just wanted to build something rad together. Now? We’re still 4 women who want to build something rad—there are just 6 kids in tow. So, as motherhood has taken up more space, we needed to reimagine things to keep it all in check. We made the decision to batch our photoshoots, release new content on a different schedule, and change our business model starting January 1. It’ll be a new adventure but we are definitely along for the ride!
The Babies at Sourced Co. Got Older (and there are more!) / Speaking of those 6 little ones, we celebrated Maren’s 4th, Winter’s 3rd, and Odette’s 2nd birthdays! And June, Maeve, and Walt all hit the scene this year too—these mamas are busy!
“This year has been a beautiful blur. Moving back to San Diego, having our daughter, moving again two weeks after having her —ha! Between hectic and life changing moments, it's been Sourced Co. shoots and hangouts that continue to fill my cup. I'm incredibly thankful for each and every one of these ladies. The friendships, the talent, and the support everyone gives effortlessly is something I cherish more than words can express.” - Christy
“Looking back at this last year my heart is full of gratitude. Gratitude for the health, love, and support of those closest to me. Gratitude for new growth opportunities, for embracing change and the reminder to delight in the little things. Things like the ins and outs of working with this team, the acknowledgement and reflection of the journey traveled thus far, and the absolute joy sparked in serving others.” – Cassie
“Running a business is no joke and I am so thankful this year was a was what it was. And even though we had our fair share of monkey wrenches come our way, there was less reacting and more time for forward thinking. I’m excited about the changes we are working on and know they will be great in the long run—enabling us to do a better (and more thoughtful) job of supporting everyone!” - Tayler
“This year was (there’s no other way to describe it) really hard. On January 4th my husband and I found out we were unexpectedly, expecting twins. After a difficult but uncomplicated pregnancy, we welcomed Walt and Maeve to the world—officially making me a mama to 3 kids under the age of 2. I’m continually grateful for the love and support of my family and friends and for the health of everyone I know and that I have this creative space to still practice my craft and play.” – Jen
We’ve said it before, and we will say it again—Sourced Co. wouldn’t be what is it without you. Thank you for your continued support, feedback, and ideas. They are what keeps us inspired and cranking out content on your behalf.
Happiest of new years to you!
xo, Tayler, Cassie, Christy, and Jen