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Caption Templates for Social Media—Customize what you see in bold!

  • What does a wedding planner do?

    What DOES a wedding planner do anyway? Because, as you debate whether or not to hire one for your wedding, you might be thinking it is an investment—and wondering what that investment actually pays. Let me break it down for you.

    Thing 1 (not the just what but the WHY it is valuable)

    Thing 2 (not the just what but the WHY it is valuable)

    Thing 3 (not the just what but the WHY it is valuable)

    You can certainly plan your wedding on your own, but if you are wanting to make sure you are putting together the best team of vendors, getting everything you need, and setting everyone up for smooth sailing on the day you say “I do!” without needing to spend hundreds of hours of YOUR time doing it all—let’s chat! Because even though hiring a planner might be an investment, it’s on that will help you [thing 1], [thing 2], and [thing 3].

  • Inspiration for fall & winter palettes

    Coming up with a color palette for your wedding can be hard (especially if you’ve gone down the Pinterest rabbit hole). But I’ve learned a trick or two from all the wedding I have under my belt—especially when it comes to creating a unique color palette.

    The key? Look in unexpected places for inspiration.

    If your goal is to have a unique color palette to ground your wedding design in, you can’t look in the same place as everyone else (doing that just puts the same ideas in your head). So where should you turn? Here are a few of my favorite places:

    Place for inspiration 1 and why

    Place for inspiration 2 and why

    Place for inspiration 3 and why

  • Important things about timelines

    You can spend months getting all of your ducks in a row, but if your wedding day timeline isn’t tight, it’s all going to fall apart. (Sorry for the brutal honesty.) Because a wedding day timeline is the thing that gets all of your vendors on the same page and all of the moving parts working as one.

    So why would you leave that to chance?

    My coordination services are there to make sure you’re not. And, when you’ve planned most of your wedding yourself, one of the smartest things you can do is hire a professional to make sure it all comes together—and that your wedding day is the best day!

    I’d love to chat about your plans and share more about [services and value you add]. Get in touch through the link in my profile, and let’s get a call on the calendar!

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